This is Your Invitation to Live Life as a Grand Adventure
As a seasoned, spiritual woman who has already accomplished worthy things in the world, you are at a new stage in your life and are ready to find out what’s next.
You have a growing sense of urgency. You realize you are ready for a new story, a new way of being, a new life that energizes and excites you.
You just saw your youngest child graduate from college, you retired two years ago and are restless, you have been asked to take on a volunteer leadership position that excites you, etc.
You realize as never before the importance of trusting the restlessness, the Divine Discontent that you have experienced through your life and is calling for your attention now.

It’s Time to Tune In and Listen
What if your sense of passion and readiness is waiting to be used, and the fear that you feel is simply that you have not said a hearty “YES” to your Spiritual Call in Action, to your GRAND ADVENTURE?
Stepping into your GRAND ADVENTURE means responding more consistently to divine nudges. You will imagine and solidify your vision of the life you long to live.
As you enter into your Grand Adventure you accept Spirit’s call with fresh passion and a deepening sense of purpose. You are the creator in your own life. You have a growing trust of yourself. Your curiosity and thirst for learning is high.
You want to respond to this tumultuous and crazy time. As you look around you see so many places that call out for attention and illumination. But you don’t know what calls to respond to.
You want to use your creativity, consciousness, compassion and commitment to bring about change.
As you do, you experience greater ease and increased energy knowing you are undergirded by Grace and love of yourself, and of life.
I’ll Be Your Guide
With me as your guide you will move through the three paths of living life as a Grand Adventure. You’ll own your power actively being the creator of your new life, of your Grand Adventure. As you develop your new ways of being you’ll SHOW UP, Stand Up, and Speak UP for Soul Satisfaction. Finally, you’ll step into Spirit-guided Leadership. You are consciously aware that you are leading along-side. You realize that you do not need to be in front of the pack to provide effective leadership. You’ll embrace your Grand Adventure and lead others to a new level by refining and following your purpose.
To begin Your Grand Adventure, go to the Coaching page if you are an individual in search of greater meaning or to the Mentor Services page if you are a coach who is looking to elevate your practice, your life, and the life of your clients.